State-Of-Art In Education Technology – Introducing Learning Analytics
(Image: willowcreek5.) There is no one size-fit all in education Learning Analytics is the practice of using student generated data to tailor the learning plans and meeting the student learning needs. (John et al, 2012). The idea of this practice is that there is no one size-fit all in education. Each student is different from each other. Some subjects are easier for some but tougher to others. In addition, nowadays, there is a lot of information being produced by students constantly....
Summary of Research Methods in Computer Science – I am feeling different :)
I remember hearing Erkki telling that learning should make you different. That’s how I feel at the end of Research Methods in Computer Science course. Somehow it challenged many concepts that I had before. One of the things I loved were the unpredictable nature of the lectures. Because that is how learning is, full of surprises ;). Exercise sessions added even more value with very interesting ideas being discussed (even that the session was too early in the morning)....
My Professional Identity
I was early attracted to computers as I was curious to know how computers work and what is possible to accomplish with them. Like most kids I have been always fascinated by games and graphics and I used to dream in inventing my own. During my Bachelors in Computer Science at Mozambique, I was very interested in developing of small games for different platforms. One of my achievements was the participation in one team developing the Ntxuva African Game for Android platform....
Favourite Exercise - L’Aquila earthquake (the new Galileo?)
This was the exercise that I got more amused to follow, as it was recurring and there are still events occurring related to this case. Even that I couldn’t give a complete answer, firstly because best sources are in Italian and secondly I didn’t know about this tragic event before. I have been following the news and it is exciting to see that 370 years after Galileo Galilei we can still uncover bias and resistance in the reserchers’ world....
Research Impact – To whom am I researching?
In last week of Research Methods’course we had an outstanding lecture about presentation communication skills. Erkki presented us with a nice insight about the audience behind us (family, friends), sponsoring us and affected by our research. It can really boost the research article to make right use of graphics, tables and other elements as discussed in that session. In addition, in my opinion what can make any research article really effective is the originality of content....