Third thing that I never thought about were Paradigms. Particularly, how Kuhn (1970) highlights how Paradigms play a double role in Science. In part, they help to keep us far from distracting themes and on choosing the right research topics. But, the counterpart of them is that in Kuhn’s opinion they can make research so much predictable. For this he proposes paradigm shifts that can replace old habits according to the context needs.

Nevertheless, paradigms shifts seem not to be enough. When do we know if we are in or outside our comfort zone? It is hard to tell this about ourselves :). Hence, it struck me how Horgan (1996) presents the somehow “crazy” idea of defining the limits of Science. And scientists are actually trying to do it. Their hope is that they could define what can and what can’t be re-searchable according to human limitations. While the possibility of such definition seems to be attainable for me, I strongly believe that it would expand so much the boundaries of the research zone to some extent.


Horgan, J. (1996). A paradigm is born. Retrieved from