(Image: willowcreek5.)
There is no one size-fit all in education
Learning Analytics is the practice of using student generated data to tailor the learning plans and meeting the student learning needs. (John et al, 2012). The idea of this practice is that there is no one size-fit all in education. Each student is different from each other. Some subjects are easier for some but tougher to others. In addition, nowadays, there is a lot of information being produced by students constantly. In addition to the regular assessments, there is software feedback and furthermore, students spend more time online and on social networks. Learning Analytics tools such as data mining tools, takes advantage of this wealth of student information to generate relevant performance predictions and make necessary adjustments in learning process.
One Practical Example: HP Learning Lab
HP has one multi-media STEM skill promotions plataform running in India. It is a adaptative system. The framework allows ‘learning-enabled assessment’ of practical skills and allows evaluation of both reporting and procedural skills. Various online scaffolds are used during assessment which help students focus and redirect their efforts to the appropriate task needed for mastery of the skill. (Amrita University, 2011)
Amrita University. (2011). HP Learning Lab: Collaborative Assessment Platform for Practical Skills by Amrita University. [Online Video]. 11 October. Available from:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITlUrf1EVNs&feature=youtu.be. [Accessed: 26 March 2013].
Johnson, L., Adams, S., and Cummins, M. (2012). TheNMC Horizon Report: 2012 Higher Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium
Willowcreek5: http://www.willowcreek5.com/mathematics.html