I remember hearing Erkki telling that learning should make you different. That’s how I feel at the end of Research Methods in Computer Science course. Somehow it challenged many concepts that I had before.
One of the things I loved were the unpredictable nature of the lectures. Because that is how learning is, full of surprises ;). Exercise sessions added even more value with very interesting ideas being discussed (even that the session was too early in the morning). Kudos to Yve Dai for being both good moderator and participator in our debates.
Other unique experience was the surprising opportunity to participate in Merkijärvi edTech research meeting. It made grow inside me the importance of life-long learning and it was interesting to share our stories and plans in our research careers (and also swimming on freezing water 🙂 ).
One single thing that I expected more during the course is assistance in writing our research plans. Somehow it feels like they were not much considered during the course.
And for last, but not least, I enjoyed the building of learning portfolio. Personally, I face adversities in recalling information exactly as it was said. Thus, I’ve practising on making the learning really meaningful for me and for my profile.
This is the end of this course diaries, but not the end of my learning portfolio because I’m still learning. Soon I’ll be expanding this blog with reflections in other new interesting courses that I am taking this term (ICT4D, ICT Ethitics and Machine Vision) and of course … about my life-long learning.